Monday, November 25, 2013

I Cannot Use Markup to Correctly Order Bidirectional Text... It's Driving Me Crazy

So you are facing the problem with bi-di text which is a piece of text that contains both directions ltr & rtl. And most probably you're using Arabic with English.

I'll start with the quick fix for those who just want to fix it & don't want to know more and then will provide links that will explain more about it.

Quick Fix:
So to solve this in your markup you add the following invisible characters in your markup
Arabic‮‭ English ‬ Arabic,

These characters will switch the direction to rtl,ltr and back again to rtl.

Check the examples in the fiddle below, to understand the solution better:

Read More:
To gain a better understanding of the bi-di text, the algorithm used to render it and how browsers deal with it read the links below:

Comment below to let me know if this helped you solve a problem, or if you need any help solving a similar problem.

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